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Players Code of Conduct
This T&C was updated by league admin on: 11/21/2021 9:18:08 PM
At all times, I understand and agree to the following:
- I understand that my first priority is academics. I commit to working as hard in the classroom as I do on the field.
- I will demonstrate great sportsmanship and a good attitude at all times.
- I will give 100% attention and effort during every training session, practice and game (no matter the score).
- I will hustle while I am between the lines of a baseball field whether it be a game or practice.
- I will be responsible for my equipment before, during, and after practices and games.
- I will show equal respect and value for every teammate and opponent no matter size, experience, talent or performance.
- I will encourage my teammates regardless of the situation.
- I will respect my coaches and every decision they make.
- I will contribute toward team spirit, team unity, and team effort and team success.
- I will display respect for the umpires and their decisions; the opposing team; spectators, parents/families.
- I will respect my equipment (bat, helmet, glove, etc.). I understand that throwing equipment in disgust, on or off the field, will not be tolerated.
- I will leave my team, each dugout, each ballpark and each situation in better shape than what I found them in.
- I am responsible for my own attitudes, decisions, behaviors, and choices.
- I understand that during a baseball season - failure (strikeouts, errors, etc.) will happen. If and when failure occurs, I may not be happy but I will not show negative emotions (crying, throwing equipment, pouting, etc.) as I know my teammates will pick me up.
- I will have fun and respect the game of baseball!!