Ocee Park Athletic Association (OPAA) Coaches Corner

Registration and Assistance

On behalf of the OPAA, parents, and players, thank you for volunteering your time and investing in the youth in our community! Completion of the items outlined below are required as part of our agreement with the City of Johns Creek for all volunteers at the park.

Mandatory Reporting

On July 1, 2012, the state of Georgia enacted a law that all volunteers who work with children will be required by law to report suspected child abuse. Since the very nature of our organization involves children, the volunteer members of the OPAA (coaches, assistants, and board members) are required to complete a training course in order to ensure that we are educated on the mandatory reporting requirements for the state of Georgia.

All volunteers must complete this free training (with a passing grade) prior to participating in any official capacity for the OPAA. After completing the course and passing the test, a copy of the certificate provided on-line should be sent to secretary@oceepark.com.

NOTE: This is a one-time requirement and will not have to be repeated.

Click this link to register and complete the two hour course: 'Mandated Reporters: Critical Links in Protecting Children in Georgia' (You can search for the course after selecting Georgia as your state of residency)

Coaching Registration

All coaches and assistant coaches at Ocee Park must also complete two forms required by the City of Johns Creek (volunteer application and background check). You will submit these forms with a copy of your driver's license as part of your registration here.

Coaching Resources