Participation Policies

Codes of Conduct

Baseball Rules


  • Weather updates are sent to team rosters via our website. It is important that you add no-reply@oceepark.com to your allowed senders list to avoid important communications going to your spam folder. If a member of your family is not receiving updates, be sure to add them to your account on our website (download instructions). If that doesn't resolve the issue, email admin@oceepark.com for assistance.
  • If there is an imminent threat of lighting in the area, our lightning detection system will send one long blast that can easily be heard across the park. Additionally, the light on the field house roof will blink for the duration of the lightning warning. When you hear this alarm, leave the field with your team and gather in a safe place (in cars or under a pavilion). Once it is safe to resume on field activities you will hear 3 short blasts and the light will stop blinking. If the all-clear is not given within 30 minutes you may cancel your practice. The umpire has the call for canceling a game in progress.
  • Cold Weather: Any time the "real feel" is forecasted below 40 degrees, according to Accuweather.com for Johns Creek, 30022, we will cancel any scheduled activities for that day and time window.

Division Assignment

  • Children are not allowed to play in a lower aged division unless there is a proven medical condition which limits a player's level of play. If this is applicable to your child, please contact registrar@oceepark.com for more information.
  • Ocee Park baseball has a strict "No Play Up" policy due to safety and liability concerns.

Sibling Discount

  • Ocee Park is excited to provide a sibling discount! After registering your first player, each additional player registration will be reduced by $25. The discount will automatically be applied during registration.


  • Withdrawals can be requested by sending an email to registrar@oceepark.com. Withdrawal requests made by the registration deadline (documented on the registration page) will be entitled to a refund of fees paid minus a $25 non-refundable processing fee. Withdrawals made after the deadline will not be entitled to any refund.

Sanctioned Events

  • Coaches are not authorized to plan and/or host their team at the park for any baseball activities outside of the scheduled practices/games as officially posted on the website. Admin meetings and team parties are acceptable but no on field or batting cage activities outside of scheduled practices/games are permitted.
  • For clarity, we are not trying to stop people from using the public park that their tax dollars are funding. If people are taking their kids to the park and want to invite others to join then you are absolutely free to do so. Just know that you are doing so at your own risk as our liability insurance for injury will not cover any accidents that occur outside of an OPAA sanctioned event.

Additional content coming soon!!