Ocee Park Athletic Association (OPAA) Board of Directors

Vision and Membership

The Ocee Park Athletic Association is a 100% volunteer-managed organization. None of the board members or coaches receive payment for their volunteer efforts. These volunteers are crucial to keeping our league operating successfully. Oversight of OPAA is managed by a volunteer board of directors with various assignments in support of the organization. Our board is one governing body made up of three subgroups - Executive, Baseball, and Operations. Meeting collectively once a month, our board works in conjunction with the City of Johns Creek to facilitate the proper environment for local kids to participate in youth baseball.

Executive BoardPositionEmail Address
Lukus HarveyPresidentpresident@oceepark.com
Eric DeahlVP Baseballvpbaseball@oceepark.com
Anthony IaniroTreasurertreasurer@oceepark.com


Baseball ExecutivesPositionEmail Address
Jim GlueckertTBall Recreational Coordinatortball_recbaseball@oceepark.com
Jeremy Hall6-8 Recreational Coordinator6_8recbaseball@oceepark.com
Anthony Ianiro9-10 Recreational Coordinator9_10recbaseball@oceepark.com
Jarrett Shalhoop11-12 Recreational Coordinator11_12recbaseball@oceepark.com
Ian Winklmann13-15 Recreational Coordinator13_15recbaseball@oceepark.com
Anthony IaniroAll-Star Coordinatorallstarbaseball@oceepark.com
David FriskTravel Coordinatortravelbaseball@oceepark.com


GeneralPositionEmail Address
JR CanalesDirector of Fields and Safetyfieldoperations@oceepark.com
JR CanalesDirector of Equipmentequipment@oceepark.com
Billy HolcombeDirector of Marketing and Sponsorshipsmarketingdirector@oceepark.com
JR CanalesPast Presidentpast_president@oceepark.com
Jim GlueckertRegistrarregistrar@oceepark.com
Eric DeahlWebsite Adminadmin@oceepark.com